

Investing – What You Need to Know


Investing is a great way to reach your financial goals and increase the value of your capital. It is also possible to do this with the help of a professional advisor, who can help you balance your financial situation and comfort level with risk against the need for some growth potential and the protection of your principal.

With investment funds, your and the savings of other investors are pooled together. A fund manager then purchases the investments, holds them and then sells them on your behalf. Most funds consist of various assets, which reduces investment risk. However, some funds are more specialized than others, like funds that concentrate on property or commodities. There are also multi-asset funds that might hold a mix of different types of assets, including bonds and shares.

Some funds are geared towards certain regions or sectors like green or emerging markets. Some also have a variety of specified investment aims for instance, aiming at specific growth levels or reducing risk that is not systemically controlled. Others have a https://highmark-funds.com/2021/12/23/value-at-risk-calculations-for-market-risk-management/ more general objective, for instance, low-cost investing.

The type of unit trusts OEICs and investment trusts you select will depend on both the length of your investment period and your approach to risk. For example, younger investors are more likely to accept more risk and are more likely to select funds that contain greater proportions of equity. However, those who are approaching retirement or with family obligations might want to take on less risk and pick funds that have more bonds.